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RASC Questions

RASC Gameplay Questions and Answers

January 22, 2005
Thanks to Marcel Bos

1. On the starting grid several cars will start on a -1 track space. Do this cars have a -1 on their first movement roll?
NO. Ignore the minus spaces on starts and restarts.

2. When a player throws two TI's with the movement dice and (for example) an 8 (Brain Fade) on the incident dice this car has directly a -2 on this movement. If this player has used only two movement dice (TI + TI), has this car then to be moved minimum -2? When using a third movement die which shows a max (TI + TI + MAX), has this car then to be moved maximum -2?
That is correct. If no move is displayed (i.e. TI TI), move minimum minus any modifier.

3. When throwing an incident while challenging and immediatly again with the movement dice will the penalty be cummulative for this movement?
No. Take the dirst penalty and ignore the second.

4. When throwing an incident while challenging two other cars this car normally will be the last car which is leaving this row. When throwing a 5 (Bump) with the incident dice, will this car be moved first or second from the cars on this row.
The car that rolls the Bump Take Position, will take only the position directly in front of it, so in your case, it would move to 2nd.

5. Do I correctly understand that on a sprint-race there can be only one Yellow Flag and that other Yellow Flags has to be ignored?
No. Sprint racing should obey the standard RASC rules using the incident chart on the track. Where did you see mention of this?

6. When driving 1/2 speed, by throwing a 9 (Miss Shift) on the incident dice, has the 1/2 movement be rounded up or down?
Always round up.

7. You don't have to use the entire movement roll. Is the track minimum the minimum that has to be moved? Or can you drive even slower to slow down the cars behind you?
You could drive slower I suppose; usually that is only done in the case of a car in front slowing the field down due to an incident; the cars behind may move less than the MIN to avoid smashing into the slowed car. I guess it depends on who you're playing with as to whether you allow cars to sandbag and purposely slow down cars behind them. RA Games officially says: You can never move less than 1/2 MIN. Also, the Momentum pass would allow cars behind to pass the slow car. Momentum Passes in effect force a Drive-by Pass. A driver coming up behind a slower car can move past the car without stopping to challenge if their roll would carry them to a point in which there are 3 spaces in between the two cars,

8. Can you also throw an incident while you are in the pits?
In the standard game, incidents in the pits are officially ignored because they do not apply. However, they can be used if you wish. The realism pack offers specific Pit Incidents.

9. Do cars in the Pit-street always have to be moved last?
No. It does not matter who goes first (pit cars or cars on the track). Just make sure EVERYONE moves during a track movement.

10. What happens when a car gets a Black Flag in the last round?
Ignore it. You have 1 lap to answer the black flag.

11. Is drafting always straight forward?

12. Will a auto-controlled car draft into a -1 or -2 space?
Yes, they can. If already in a drafting situtation, they may NOT choose to NOT draft. That will happen; kind of a law of physics rule. They may choose, however, to not place their car in a position that may draft them into a Minus space.

13. When two cars are behind each other in the drafting zone they normally can draft foward. What happens when the first car has won his challenge and the second car hasn't?
They cannot draft forward.

14. When, after drafting, there are already two cars on the row where you are going, does the whole challenge has to be done all over or does the position of the two cars already standing there not change.
The order already established will remain, and the car drafting forward will conduct up to two challenges. First, challenge the last car, next challenge the lead car.

15. Sling Shot Drafting. Does this mean that a car always gets a +1 movement bonus when starting directly behind 'a' car and moves into the big 'drafting zone' or does it mean that a car gets the +1 bonus when it normally ends its movement direcly behind the car it was standing before both cars moved.
This was a last minute rule addition, and there may be different definitions. We are going to call the official rule the one that is stated in the Realism Pack. When in a drafting situation, the car behind may chose to draft forward with the car in front, or Sling Shot and attempt a pass on the car in front if there is a clear lane. Here is the rule from the Realism Pack:
Sling Shot Drafting
If your car sits directly behind another car and both cars are within a drafting zone, you may choose to (1) Draft both cars up one space or (2) slingshot draft and attempt to pass the car in front of you. Auto control cars are not allowed to Sling Shot Draft. If you choose to attempt a pass on a slingshot draft, move your car next to the car in front of you into an open lane. Conduct a challenge and follow the normal challenge rules. If there is a car in the way, you may NOT slingshot draft; you may only draft both cars forward. For example, on Sunvalley Racepark, car A is in the outside lane on space 5 and has won the challenge over car B. Car B is in the middle lane on space 5 and has lost the challenge to car A. Car C is in the outside lane on space 4 directly behind car A. Car A and car C may draft forward one space, but car C may NOT attempt to pass car A since car B is in the way. If car B was in the inside lane, car C may attempt to pass car A, which would result in a free pass on car B.

16. Who wins the game? The car who passes the S/F line first, or the car who moves furthest in this round, challenging an opponent on the same row?
The car who crosses the S/F line first after completing all the laps (rounds) wins.

Which Lane?

Date Entered: January 22, 2005
When a car is first to arrive on a space (say No. 9 at SunValley), it can pick which lane it wishes to be in, right? In the case of No. 9, it would elect the inside lane since the middle is a -1 and the outside is a -2. If there is already a car on the inside position, it can still choose which of the two other lanes to be in, right? It is only forced to be in a lane if two lanes are already occupied when it arrives. Just checking

That is correct. The only exception is if you are using the Stay In Your Lane rule, which would force a car to stay in its lane until the other lane is clear to move into. For example,

Cars A, B, and C are side by side, prior to a track movement. |A|B|C| - space 1
Car A won the challenge, and rolls a MIN
Car moves to space 11; there are no other cars there, but it MUST stay in the inside lane because car B and C are still beside it. |A| | |